EU Funding application process

The Victorious EU Funding Guide ™

The most important steps

EU Funding application steps clear finding a suitable call, finding partners, registering, writing an application, convincing evaluators

Applying for EU funds can be a rewarding and exciting experience, with the potential to bring your project or initiative to life and make a positive impact in your community or industry. By carefully identifying the right funding program and thoroughly reviewing the eligibility criteria and funding guidelines, you can position yourself for success and increase your chances of securing funding. As you prepare your project proposal, remember to highlight the unique value and potential impact of your project, and to demonstrate how it aligns with the EU's goals and priorities. If you are successful in securing funding, you will have the opportunity to bring your vision to reality and contribute to the growth and development of your field. With careful planning and a clear vision, applying for EU funds can be a fulfilling and transformative experience.

What is a call for proposals?

A call for proposals is an announcement made by the European Commission to advertise grant opportunities. It is essential to read the call text carefully as it provides all the necessary information such as scope, objectives, eligibility and evaluation criteria. The aim is to ensure that your project proposal aligns perfectly with the requirements mentioned in the call. It is recommended that your proposal matches even more than 100% with the call since competition for EU funding is intense, and your proposal will compete against many other high-quality proposals.

Finding partners for EU funds application can enhance the quality of your proposal, address potential gaps, demonstrate your ability to work in a team, and increase your chances of securing funding.

To file your application you will need to register at the European Commission’s Funding&Tenders Website

When preparing an application for an EU funding opportunity, it is crucial to carefully review the eligibility criteria and funding guidelines outlined in the call. You should develop a clear and comprehensive project proposal that aligns with the call's objectives, demonstrating the potential impact and value of your project. This includes providing a detailed budget and timeline, as well as demonstrating the project's sustainability and feasibility. It is also important to pay close attention to the evaluation criteria and ensure that your proposal addresses all relevant aspects. Finally, you should thoroughly proofread and review your application before submitting it to ensure that it is error-free and presents your project in the best possible light.

Preparing an application

Clear and Compelling Project Proposal

A winning application should have a clear and compelling project proposal that aligns with the objectives of the funding call. The proposal should showcase the unique value and potential impact of the project, and provide a comprehensive overview of the project's objectives, methodology, timeline, and budget.

Demonstrated Expertise and Collaboration

Winning applications often demonstrate a high level of expertise and collaboration, with clear evidence of the applicant's qualifications, experience, and partnerships. Collaborating with relevant partners and stakeholders can enhance the quality and competitiveness of the proposal, and demonstrate the applicant's ability to work effectively in a team.

Attention to Details and Compliance

Winning applications pay close attention to details and compliance, ensuring that all eligibility and evaluation criteria are met, and that the proposal is error-free and well-organized. Applicants should thoroughly proofread and review their proposal before submission, and ensure that they comply with all reporting and monitoring requirements if their application is successful.

Do you have any questions about the process?